Hi << Test First Name >>. Welcome to our Summer Landcare news update for 2024. The BRRVLN (Border Ranges Richmond Valley Landcare Network) team collate semi-regular updates on upcoming opportunities, projects and events. We hope you find something of interest in this edition.
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Our AGM and Annual Report
We held our AGM and end of year celebration in Kyogle on the 23rd November 2024.
Thank you to all outgoing and incoming Executive Committee members. These wonderful volunteers do an amazing job steering BRRVLN and supporting land care activities in the region.
You can read about our acheivements last year via our annual report.
BRRVLN have cane toad tadpole traps and lures availble to purchase at the office.
Koala Conversations Wrap Up
Its been a while since we produced a newlsetter and we wanted to share the good work that happened back in May and June! Koala Conversations ran from 18th of May to 1st of June 2024. The concept was developed by the Northern Rivers Koala Partnership, which is comprised of six councils and Friends of the Koala and is proudly supported by the NSW Government.
The Koala Conversations program consisted of 23 koala focused events delivered across the Northern Rivers region organised by 15 organisations. More than 500 people attended.
The event ended in a one-day forum which was attended by 90 people. Speakers covered topics ranging from regional koala monitoring, habitat retoration, chlamidial vaccines and a panel discussion on collaborative efforts to save koalas in the Northern Rivers.
You can see the full program of events Here: Koala Conversations (friendsofthekoala.org)
With feral deer becoming one of Australia's worst pest animals, the ‘Landholder Guide to Feral Deer’ is a helpful resource designed specifically for very low deer density.
It provides tips and advice on how to monitor and report feral deer on private properties.
If you’re a local farmer, download the free guide from Kyogle Council
 Your Biosecurity Duty 
Under the Biosecurity Act 2015, all North Coast residents have a duty to prevent the spread of Giant Devil's Fig.
Exclusion Zones: Eradicate and report any sightings.
Core Infestation Zones: Mitigate the spread and reduce impact on valuable assets.
Exclusion (eradication) zone: Bellingen Shire LGA, Clarence Valley LGA, Coffs Harbour City LGA, Kempsey Shire LGA, Lord Howe Island, Nambucca Valley LGA, Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA Shire LGA.
Core infestation (containment) zone: Ballina Shire LGA, Byron Shire LGA, Kyogle Shire LGA, Lismore City LGA, Richmond Valley LGA, Tweed Shire LGA.
Check NSW WeedWise for ID and control information: https://weeds.dpi.nsw.gov.au/Weeds/GiantDevilsFig
Rural Landholder Initiative - Community Grant applications now open
Lismore City Council is currently accepting Expressions of Interest for the Rural Landholder Initiative (RLI) Community Grants. This program invites landholders to collaborate on environmental projects that benefit the broader rural community.
Applications can be submitted until 2 February 2025 for projects beginning in July 2025. Individual landholders will be able to apply in Spring 2025 for projects on private property starting in July 2026.
The RLI Community Grants aim to fund projects that achieve large-scale, strategic outcomes by bringing together landholders, neighbours, and industry stakeholders. Up to $50,000 over three years will be available for on-ground activities such as bush regeneration and habitat restoration.
Interested groups are encouraged to review the community grants guidelines and begin preparing their proposals. More info here.
The submission portal will be open from October 1, 2024, to February 2, 2025.
Richmond Valley Council, in partnership with Brunswick Valley Landcare, has launched the second edition of the Climate Resilient Landscapes booklet. This edition includes information specifically tailored for inland flood plains and towns, providing enhanced coverage for the Richmond Valley region.
We hope this guide will strengthen community knowledge, helping residents understand what to expect, better comprehend the effects of climate change, and learn actions they can take to be prepared and more resilient.
The booklet includes a list of local endemic native plants that are drought resistant, fire retardant, flood tolerant, sequester carbon, and provide habitat and food for a wide range of native mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects.
The Climate Resilient Landscapes booklet is part Richmond Valley Council's broader community greening program, which aims to plant 15,000 trees over the next two decades.
Despite the fear many people have of trees near their properties following the 2019 summer bushfires, trees are essential in both urban and rural landscapes. They strengthen our connection with nature, create beautiful environments, offer shade, and provide vital wildlife habitats. Additionally, trees sequester carbon, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change.
You can download a copy here:
This guide to designing habitat friendly gardens, produced by Richmond Landcare Inc, is available at our office or online here.
Resource books available for free at Landcare office in Kyogle
open Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am - 2pm
Resource books and calanders available for free at Landcare office in Kyogle
open Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am - 2pm
What do bush regenerators do?
The Australian Association of Bush Regenerators have created 12 visuals to explain what bush regeneration is. They can be downlowed from their website: What is Bush Regeneration? – AABR
If you would like to share your events, project news and opportunities with the broader Landcare community in the next issue of the BRRVLN e-news please send your article to landcare.support@brrvln.org.au
Our office location and hours
40 Summerland Way
Tuesday and Thursday 10-2pm