Pest Animals
Cane toad
Cane toads are an introduced species that are toxic to humans, pets and native species. They are also voracious predators preying on native reptiles and beetles as well as bees and dung beetles.
As a landholder in the Kyogle and Casino regions you have a biosecurity duty to control cane toads if you live west of the Summerland Way.
We are working to control cane toads in the area and have resources available for landholders to hire and field officers undertaking control on private properties. Contact the office for more information.
Photo credit Leonie Jacobs
Feral cat caught on camera in Busbys Flat
Feral cat
BRRVLN are looking for properties in the Busbys Flat, Wyan and Kippenduff areas to carry out cat and fox control.
Info coming soon
Indian Mynas are one of only three birds on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) list of the 100 most invasive species on the planet. They were introduced to Australia in 1862 (in Melbourne) and have since spread along the East Coast as far as Cairns and there are also records in Darwin, Adelaide and Perth.
Indian Mynas are a threat to native wildlife because of their aggressive defence of territory, their competition for food, and their competition for nest hollows/artificial nest boxes. In the case of the latter, they will actively evict other species from their nests, kill young, destroy eggs, and block-off empty hollows to prevent use by other birds.
BRRVLN is working with landholders to control Indian Myna numbers by providing advice, loaning traps, and assessing sites (such as large roosts) for other humane control methods.
For a comprehensive guide to controlling Indian Mynas, download our new edition of the Indian Myna Control Handbook: