Naughtons Gap Landcare Working Bee - on the Casino to Bentley Rail Trail
9:00 am09:00

Naughtons Gap Landcare Working Bee - on the Casino to Bentley Rail Trail

  • Along the Rail Trail adjacent to the bridge Naughtons Gap, NSW, 2470 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will be planting 300 native trees and grasses along the Casino to Bentley Rail Trail at Naughtons Gap. Meeting at 9am under the bridge - Parking is just north of the Stones Road junction. BYO Gloves and drinking water. Tools provided to dig holes.

For more information Email or call 0457 052 636

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Koala Conversations in Motion
9:00 am09:00

Koala Conversations in Motion

This event is part of the Northern Rivers Koala Conversation program. It will combine a shared bike ride of the Bentley to Casino rail trail with conversations about the wildlife habitat values of the surrounding landscapes and actions underway to improve habitat for Koalas.

We will stop near the Naughtons gap road intersection and offer a half hour working bee to support a restoration project in that zone and then ride on to Casino for a provided lunch. A shuttle service will be on offer for those that wish to ride in one direction only on a first in first serve basis with limited places so book early for place.

BYO bikes

Click here to register

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Koala Health & Habitat Workshop
10:00 am10:00

Koala Health & Habitat Workshop

Bangalow Koalas is running a Koala Health & Habitat and Landholder Workshop for Bonalbo and surrounds.

  • Interested in joining our wildlife corridor

  • Planting koala food trees and other native species

  • How to distinguish between a sick and healthy koala

Guest speakers

  • Linda Sparrow Bangalow Koalas

  • Linda Swankie ecologist

  • Ben Heringto WWF Australia

  • Fiona Dawson Envite

 Bookings are essential so book your space by emailing

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Plant and Fungi Identification Bonanza
9:00 am09:00

Plant and Fungi Identification Bonanza

  • 3 Bloore Street Kyogle, NSW, 2474 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Venue: Kyogle Community Centre 3 Bloore Street - ALL DAY
Welcome to attend for an individual session. Need not attend the full day.

To assist us with managing venue capacity please register for each of the sessions you would like to attend. Registration at: Jotform

  • Weeds large and small - with Sarah Angus & Alex Hue Rous County Council 9:30 - 10:30

  • Rainforest plant identification – with Nan Nicholson 10:45 -11:45

  • Intro into Eucalypt identification – with Alison Martin 12 - 1:15

  • Native Grasses - with Max Watt 1:30 to 2:30

  • Forbs, ferns and the forest floor - with Jo Green 2.45 - 3.45

  • Fungi – with Stephen Axford 4 - 5

Coffee tea station provided - BYO food provisions.

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Koalas and Cows: Fencing for conservation and stock
9:30 am09:30

Koalas and Cows: Fencing for conservation and stock

  • Green Pigeon Road Horseshoe Creek, NSW, 2474 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Field day conversations and actions:

  • Koala/Cow interactions

  • Constructing koala corridors in grazing areas

  • Considerations for strategic corridors at the landscape scale

  • Fencing and wildlife considerations

  • Gallagher electric fence demonstration

  • Planning for plantings - getting it ‘right’ from the beginning

 Presentations from:

  • Charllie McDougal - Gallagher fencing rep

  • Brendan Taylor - Northern rivers regional koala partnerships officer with Department of Planning & Environment’s Koala Program

  • Mark Ambrose - Ecologist from BRRVLN

Prior registration is required. Morning tea and lunch provided

Bring long pants, sturdy shoes, water bottle, jacket / umbrella in case, and a hat. 

This event will go ahead if showers forecast. 

Address provided on registration Register at Jotform

For more information contact Ph 0457 052 636

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Community Supported Tree Planting for Koala Habitat
9:00 am09:00

Community Supported Tree Planting for Koala Habitat

Come get your hands dirty and help plant trees in a grander plan of a 4000 tree corridor planting supporting both Koala habitat connectivity and improving fish habitat

197 Ettrick Road, Horse Station Creek

Bring: long pants, hat, covered sturdy shoes, gloves, water bottle

Morning tea provided

Prior registration required for catering purposes

Register at Jotform

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Health of Koalas and their Habitat (incl BMAD impacts)
9:30 am09:30

Health of Koalas and their Habitat (incl BMAD impacts)

This event will explore threats to Koala habitat in the Cawongla and surrounds area including:

  • Bell Miner Associated Dieback (BMAD) and its impact on Koala habitat

  • Restoring koala habitat from the ground layer to the canopy

  • Weed management techniques including use of Ecopigs in managing lantana

  • Koala health concerns - sharpening your eye to illness

SPEAKERS: Jane Baldwin, Wayne & Susan Somerville, Linda Swankie, Noah Neilsen

Date: Monday September 25th

9:30am - 11.30am

Venue: Cawongla Store, 5329 Kyogle Road, Cawongla

Morning Tea provided.

 Short field trip to Barkersvale Koala habitat restoration site from 11:30 to 1pm - Optional

Register at Jotform

For more information 0457 052 636 or

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Northern Rivers Koala Count
to 30 Sept

Northern Rivers Koala Count

  • Google Calendar ICS

Spring has sprung and it is the perfect opportunity to get out and about and look for koalas!

We are asking the community to make a special effort to report sightings of koalas during the last week of September on the Friends of the Koala website Report koala sightings - Friends of the Koala. With such beautiful weather, it is a great opportunity to go for a bushwalk in a natural area, keep your eyes out for koalas and record a sighting!

The week-long project aims to harness the power of citizen science to provide a better understanding about where koalas live and how they use their environment. This can help support important koala research, conservation, and management actions.

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Koala Trail Walk
10:00 am10:00

Koala Trail Walk

A casual 2 hour walk on property known as Koala habitat - just 10 minutes out of Kyogle

Learn to identify signs of Koalas in the landscape and recognise the characteristics of Koala habitat.

This is the perfect warm up for the Northern Rivers Koala Count! 24-30th Sept.

Tuesday 19th September 10am - Noon

Please wear clothes, shoes and hat suitable for a walk. BYO water bottle and a packed lunch for a picnic afterwards. 

This event will go ahead in mild wet weather (supported by rain jackets / umbrellas) and will be postponed in the case of significant wet weather. 

Registration essential. Register at Jotform

For more information 0457 052 636 or

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Introduction to Koala Rescue
10:00 am10:00

Introduction to Koala Rescue

This presentation will cover:

·         When does a koala need rescuing;

·         Things to consider (Legal, Licensing and H&S);

·         Methods of rescue;

·         Dos and don’ts;

·         Ways to help.

Following this workshop, for those keen to help there will be koala handling training at FOK’s rescue and rehabilitation centre in Lismore, as well as more detailed rescue training at a later date.

Friends of the Koala (FOK) is looking for volunteers across Kyogle Shire who are interested in helping with koala rescues.  We have very few people to cover a very large area and we need to get to koalas as quickly as possible.  We are hoping to organise a team to cover the shire to reduce the amount of time it takes to reach koalas and train people to help in whatever capacity they can.

To be a rescuer you must become a FOK member ($20 general/$10 concession) so that you are covered by insurance and licence while on a rescue. 

Saturday 16th August 2023 – 10.00 am to 12.00

Presenter: Linda Swankie.  Kyogle Area Coordinator FOK

To register go to: Jotform

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Kids Koala Art Workshop
9:00 am09:00

Kids Koala Art Workshop


Come along and create a painting and/or a clay sculpture of a Koala with artist Rebecca Tapscott

All materials provided.

Cost $25

Limited places. Minimum 8 to run. Maximum 15

Book at Eventbrite

For more information contact 6or Ph 0457 052 636

Part of the 2023 Boodahbee Festival of the Koala

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Science in the Pub - Sounds of the Bush
6:00 pm18:00

Science in the Pub - Sounds of the Bush

Sounds of the Bush - Using acoustic monitoring in fauna conservation

This event will explore how we learn from, and respond to, the sounds of the bush and will carve a path for citizen scientists to be part of a catchment wide wildlife monitoring program deploying monitors across the landscape and analysing the data.

This program contributes to strategic planning for conservation action for our Northern Rivers koalas and other species.

Presentations from experts in the field will be followed by a Q&A session and general discussion.

Presentations followed by a Q& A session and general discussion.

  • Thursday 17 Aug

  • 6:00pm - 8:00pm (AEST)

  • Places are limited and registration is essential.


Dr David Newell is an ecologist from Southern Cross University with a long history in using acoustic monitoring devices to inform conservation efforts for threatened species, specialising in amphibians.

Jane Baldwin from the Border Ranges Alliance has been involving the community in acoustic monitoring, to improve records of Albert's Lyrebird on private land. She has also used this method to inform recovery actions to repopulate koalas in the Southern Richmond Range, from fire refugia areas back to the Busbys Flat bushfire footprint.

Pete Knock is the Large Forest Owls Coordinator with the Nature Conservation Council of NSW. He has been implementing an acoustic monitoring program on the Richmond and Clarence floodplain to determine owl occupancy and distribution.

Mark Ambrose is an ecologist from Border Ranges Richmond Valley Landcare and will be sharing Landcare's koala acoustic monitoring project and the opportunities for local community citizen scientist involvement.

To register go to: or email

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Riverbank Rehabilitation
10:00 am10:00

Riverbank Rehabilitation

This is the final event in the Upper Richmond River Festival.

In partnership with Local Land Services this field day will offer presentations from the experts regarding riparian restoration, erosion management, supporting good fish habitat, and the processes involved in doing best practice long lasting in-stream works.

At the fabulous Gradys Creek venue Ripples on the Creek we will walk the creek line and discuss strategies for protecting and improving the creek condition.

Lunch included.

To register go to: Jotform
For further information contact or Ph 0457052636

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River Listening
10:00 am10:00

River Listening

This event was originally to explore freshwater biodiversity through digital technology aquatic bioacoustics and sound art with Leah Barklay. This has now been postponed until later in the year.

Instead we have created an opportunity to be part of a deep listening experience down by the river.

From 10 - 11:30 on Sunday morning we will meet on the banks of the Richmond River:

  • listening to some of the stories collected through the ‘Dear River’ project facilitated by -Rose Turtle Ertler

  • reflecting on contributions made to the “if the River had a voice, what would it say?” facilitated by Richmond Riverkeeper.

  • creating our own messages for the river and sending them off to float downstream.

Join us down at the Kyogle fish ladder off Clarkes Lane. Park beside the football fields and follow the signs down to the rivers edge - 500m walk.

BYO camp chair, mat or cushion, a water bottle and a contribution to a shared morning tea.

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Baluun Yarning: River Stories Kyogle
10:00 am10:00

Baluun Yarning: River Stories Kyogle

Listen to and speak with river experts and passionate locals. Share your stories, experiences and hopes for the river. An opportunity to bring your voice to an open mic or panel discussion.

Facilitated by Graeme Gibson & Adele Wessel from Richmond Riverkeeper

Kyogle Memorial Hall 10am-3pm

Guest Speakers include:

10:00am Semitones Community Choir - short performance of river songs

10:30am Oliver Costello - Jagun Alliance Aboriginal Corporation Yarn about cultural values and the importance of healthy water ways on country

11am Matt Landos Connecting the drops: a history of landuse changes; the health of the Richmond River’s inhabitants; from fish to folks

1pm Martin Puddy from the EPA Waste and water, the cleanup of our rivers post flood

1:30pm Brendan Cox from SCU and Richmond Riverkeeper :Investigating life in the river : Citizen science and river invertebrates

Tea & coffee station and light refreshments

All welcome at any point in the day. No need to register

For more information call 0457 052 636 or email

This event is part of the Upper Richmond Riverfest, co-presented by Richmond RIverkeeper

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Reviving and Restoring Wetlands on the Floodplains
10:00 am10:00

Reviving and Restoring Wetlands on the Floodplains

10am-1pm Presentation at Kyogle Seniors Centre Morning tea and lunch provided
1pm-3pm Field visit to a wetland site at Cedar Point.
Car pooling or bus depending on registration numbers. Lunch will be provided

Uncle Andrew Johnston- Gulli-bal perspectives on the importance of lagoons and wetlands Australian Wetland Consultancy – Katrina Curran

This workshop will explore:

  • The ecological values of wetlands

  • The relationship between wetlands and river health

  • Managing wetlands in a pastural context

  • What is involved in re-instating / constructing wetlands – examples from across the region

  • Plant species - Introducing native wetland plants and managing invasive species

To register go to: Jotform
For more information call 0457 052 636 or email

This event is part of the Upper Richmond Riverfest and is supported by the Australian Governments Regional Land Partnerships Program.

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Baluun Yarning: River Stories: The Risk Hall
10:00 am10:00

Baluun Yarning: River Stories: The Risk Hall

Listen to and speak with river experts and passionate locals. Share your stories, experiences and hopes for the river. An opportunity to bring your voice to an open mic or panel discussion.

Facilitated by Graeme Gibson & Adele Wessel from Richmond Riverkeeper
The Risk Hall 10am-3pm

Guest Speakers include:
10am Aunty Kali McBride - Gullibul Elder of Bundjalung Nation: Connection to the Richmond River. Yarn about cultural values and the importance of healthy water ways on country; Sharing stories and dreams.
11am Mandy Reichelt-Brushett from SCU and Richmond Riverkeeper: Understanding the Richmond River catchment and the connections between land use and water quality
Brendan Cox from SCU and Richmond Riverkeeper: Investigating life in the river – Citizen science and river invertebrates

Tea & coffee station and light refreshments
All welcome at any point in the day. No need to register

For more information call 0457 052 636 or email

This event is part of the Upper Richmond Riverfest, co-presented by Richmond Riverkeeper

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Community Tree Planting Collins Creek
9:00 am09:00

Community Tree Planting Collins Creek

The Casino Food Co-op would like to invite you to our Collins Creek restoration plan which will rehabilitate an area of private land on the banks of Collins Creek. Part of our River Crystal Initiative.

2000 trees to be planted!!

Sausage sizzle lunch provided
Bring: long pants, hat, sturdy footwear, gloves. Water provided.

Register at Jotform
More information from Joe Leven 0427108861 Email

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Baluun Yarning: River Stories Eden Creek
10:00 am10:00

Baluun Yarning: River Stories Eden Creek

Listen to and speak with river experts and passionate locals. Share your stories, experiences and hopes for the river. An opportunity to bring your voice to an open mic or panel discussion.

Facilitated by Graeme Gibson & Adele Wessel from Richmond Riverkeeper

Eden Creek Hall

Guest Speakers include:  
10:30am Uncle Andrew Johnston - Gullibul Elder of Bundjalung Nation Yarn about cultural values and the importance of healthy water ways on country
11am Rebecca Goldberg DPE The Flood Recovery Water Quality Monitoring Project
11:30am Robert Garbutt from Richmond Riverkeeper Listening to the River: audio of local sites
1pm Brendan Cox from SCU and Richmond Riverkeeper : Investigating life in the river – Citizen science and river invertebrates
1:30pm Mandy Reichelt-Brushett from SCU and Richmond Riverkeeper: Understanding the Richmond River catchment and the connections between land use and water quality

Tea & coffee station and light refreshments
All welcome at any point in the day. No need to register

For more information call 0457 052 636 or email

This event is part of the Upper Richmond Riverfest, co-presented by Richmond Riverkeeper

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Richmond River Research Symposium
10:00 am10:00

Richmond River Research Symposium

This event will be delivered by the NSW Government Department of Planning and the Environment and will showcase numerous studies, assessments and research projects that have been undertaken in the Richmond catchment associated with monitoring river health.

Register at Eventbrite

9.30am Morning Tea on arrival

10am    Acknowledgement of Country

Welcome and introduction

10.15am Dr Adele Wessell Storytelling about the Richmond River to build shared histories.

10.35am Dr Brendan Cox Richmond River Ecological Health Program: Citizen science and initial results.

10.50am Dr Amanda Reicheldt-Brushett Pesticide occurrence in the Richmond River estuary, New South Wales, Australia; comparative methods of assessment.

11.10am Dr Mitchell Call Reimagining the Richmond River: How research can help create a future for the River.

11.30am Dr Brendan Cox Response of stream invertebrate communities to rapid water temperature spike associated with extreme wildfire in low order streams using experimental mesocosms.

11.45am Rebecca Goldberg - DPE Estuaries and Catchments Team 'Understanding the impacts of floods on water quality in NSW waterways'.

12.15pm Lunch

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Weeds and Waterways Workshop
10:00 am10:00

Weeds and Waterways Workshop

Focus on flood weeds, water weeds and riverbank weeds

Kyogle Showground Luncheon Room
Bring along your plant / weed samples for identification

Sarah Angus and Morgan Whitlen Rous County Council - Weed identification and treatment
Phil Kemsley Local Land Services District Vet - Plants that are poisonous to livestock
Nathan Pugh NSW DPI - The current focus of biocontrol of weeds
Emma Stone Landcare - mapping weeds, setting priorities and working collaboratively for landscape scale impact

Register at:
However prior registrations not required. Drop in's are welcome.
For more information call 0457 052 636 or email

This event is part of the Upper Richmond Riverfest

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Community tree planting Back Creek #2
9:00 am09:00

Community tree planting Back Creek #2

The Casino Food Co-op would like to invite you to our Back Creek restoration plan which will rehabilitate an area of private land on the banks of Back Creek. Part of the River Crystal Initiative.

Sausage sizzle lunch and water provided
Bring: long pants, hat, sturdy footwear, gloves.

Register at Jotform
More information from Joe Leven 0427108861 Email

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Learning to 'see' the River
2:00 pm14:00

Learning to 'see' the River


Introductory ‘en plein air’ drawing workshop on the banks of the Richmond River with Sally Joyce.
All drawing materials will be supplied. Bring your own water, snacks, chair and suitable protective clothing for the outdoors. Bookings are essential as places are limited.

In case of inclement weather, workshop will be held under cover.

Location within 10 mins drive from Kyogle. Address will be provided on registration.
Register at:
For more information Email or call 0457052636

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Our Rivers Film Night
7:00 pm19:00

Our Rivers Film Night

Join us for an evening of short films interspersed with short talks to celebrate the Upper Richmond River, reflect on river health, the impact of the 2022 floods, and draw inspiration from other catchments. Be inspired! Be moved!

Presented as part of the Upper Richmond River Fest by Border Ranges Richmond Valley Landcare Network with support from NSW Department of Planning and Environment

Bookings essential, limited seats

$10/seat book at Eventbrite

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Landscape Rehydration Walk
10:00 am10:00

Landscape Rehydration Walk

A paddock walk at Roseberry Creek to view some recent on-farm works and a conversation around managing our local landscapes to reduce erosion and improve hydrology and production.

This event is part of the Upper Richmond River Fest running April- May 2023

Registrations essential at Jotform
For more information call 0490 008 067 or Email

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Ridge to River Regen Campout
to 23 Apr

Ridge to River Regen Campout

Join us in the foothills of the Border Ranges, Gulli-bul Country, in the upper catchment oif the Richmond River for a weekend of head, heart & hands ecosystem restoration where the Rainforest and the Eucalypt forest meet and mingle.

A Regen Campout with bushtekniq

Register at

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Community Tree Planting Fawcetts Creek
9:30 am09:30

Community Tree Planting Fawcetts Creek

Join us to give some TLC to our river system in planting 500 trees along Fawcett’s Creek.

Morning tea provided. No need to register ahead of the day.
Follow signs at the entrance to Kyogle Showgrounds

Please bring: long pants, hat, sturdy covered shoes, gloves and a water bottle. Holes will be pre-dug.
For more information call 0437 866 911 or email

This event is part of the Upper Richmond Riverfest and is supported by the Foundation for National Parks

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