Hi *|FNAME|*. Welcome to our Spring Landcare news update for 2023. The BRRVLN (Border Ranges Richmond Valley Landcare Network) team collate semi-regular updates on upcoming opportunities, projects and events. We hope you find something of interest in this edition. If you don't wish to receive these emails, please unsubscribe in the footer below.
Boodahbee Festival of the Koala Events
Sat 16th Introduction to Koala Rescue with Friends of the Koala in Kyogle
Sat 16th Kids Koala Art Workshop with Rebecca Tapscott in Kyogle
Mon 18th Focus Group Discussions in Kyogle & Casino
Tue 19th Koala Trail Walk in Horse Station Creek
Sat 21st Acoustic Monitoring training in Kyogle
24th-30th Northern Rivers Koala Count - everywhere
Mon 25th Health of Koalas and their habitat (incl BMAD impacts) in Cawongla
Wed 27th Koala Habitat Tree Planting in Horsestation Crk
Fri 29th Koalas & cows: Fencing for conservation and stock - Horseshoe Crk
Sat 30th Plant & Fungi ID Bonanza 9am - 5pm in Kyogle
Sat 30th Crazy Koala Trivia Night 6pm in Kyogle
All Sept Koala education in local schools
This program of events is proudly supported by WWF’s Regenerate Australia program, the NSW Government through the NSW Koala Strategy, Inspiring Australia and BRRVLN.

Northern Rivers Koala Count
Spring has sprung and it is the perfect opportunity to get out and about and look for koalas!
The Northern Rivers Regional Koala Network is excited to announce the Northern Rivers Koala Count scheduled for 24 th - 30 th Sept 2023.
We are asking the community to make a special effort to report sightings of koalas during the last week of September on the Friends of the Koala website
Report koala sightings - Friends of the Koala
With such beautiful weather, it is a great opportunity to go for a bushwalk in a natural area, keep your eyes out for koalas and record a sighting!

Regen Farmers Mutual: Landscape Impact Program Information Session ONLINE EVENT Wed 20th Sept 6pm - 7:30pm
Who is this for?
Learn more about the Landscape Impact Program being implemented by Regen Farmers Mutual and coming to the Northern Rivers: the Clarence, Bellinger, Richmond & Tweed river catchments. If you are a farmer, farm advisor, conservationist, land-carer or co-operative in one of these areas find our more information and
This workshop will help you improve your identification of pastural grasses and plant, analyse landscapes and understand seasonal conditions and soils to inform better management of the land. Lunch will be provided. BYO water bottle, hat and appropriate footwear for a paddock walk.
When: 21 Sep 2023 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Where: This workshop will be held in the Casino area. Location will be provided on registration.
Contact: Lisa Castleman, North Coast Local Land Services Sustainable Agriculture Team, 0460 898 096
More information and registration here
Landholders are invited to an information session discussing Pasture Dieback research and management. You will also hear the latest information about current seasonal conditions and how to manage with limited feed.
When: 5 Oct 2023 9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Where: Casino RSM Club 162 Canterbury Street Casino
Contact: Donna Cuthel, Senior Plant Biosecurity Officer Ph 0419 402 580
- Nathan Jennings and Nikia Nolan,North Coast Local Land Services
- Kel Langfield, NSW Department of Primary Industries
- Terry Rose, Professor of Agronomy, Southern Cross University
- Stuart Buck, Senior Agronomist, QDAF
- Caroline Hauxwell, Associate Profession, QUT
Organised by North Coast Local Land Services
To register your interest to attend CLICK HERE
New Regional Seed bank project
The Border Ranges Richmond Valley Landcare Network has been selected as 1 of 5 sub-regional hubs across the North Coast in a new pilot native seed project. This venture aims to:
- improve the capacity of community and industry stakeholders to collect, store, exchange, and supply native plant seed in line with ‘best practice’ methods and
- increase the supply of native plant stock to support environmental projects across the North Coast region.
For those with a ‘seedy’ interest, keep an eye out for several workshops coming up in November to be held in Kyogle, Lismore and the Larnook area. Stay tuned for dates at www.brrvln.org.au/events

Cane toad tadpole traps available from BRRVLN. All you need to know about Cane Toad Control can be found HERE
BRRV-Landcare is seeking a new Cane Toad Project Officer and field officers to service control activities in the area around Tabulam, Drake and Mallanganee through the Spring/Summer period. The roles would best suit residents in the target area.
For more information and to view the job description email invasive.species@brrvln.org.au
Be Alert! The risk of Fire Ants crossing into NSW is a serious threat.

NSW DPI has issued an Emergency Order, that places restrictions on the movement of fire ant carrier materials including organic mulch, soil and anything with soil on it, hay and baled material, potted plants, turf, agriculture, or earth moving machinery, mining or quarry materials, sand and gravel being moved into NSW from the fire ant infested area of QLD.
Use the DPI online form for any suspicious sightings or call 1800 680 244

WIRES is calling on landowners in drought and fire affected areas to help support the welfare of local tree-dwelling wildlife such as Koalas, Gliders & native birds who are at great risk of dehydration and predation as they go in search of water.
Supplementary water provided by Arboreal Drinkers (TREE TROFFS®) has been demonstrated to provide safe support to wildlife. 800 drinkers are being provided free of charge to recipients. As a voluntary wildlife supporter, you will be required to:
- Collect the TREE TROFF® equipment from a designated local hub location
- Install & maintain the TREE TROFF® on your property (Units are 3m tall)
- Have access to your own tools & water supply
- Regularly refill & flush the water barrel (220L) from a mobile tank
For more information and to apply CLICK HERE
Over the last 12 months, several Landcare Networks across the Northern Rivers have been supporting landholders affected by landslides during the 2022 flood event. These conditions are extremely challenging and require site specific plans and a range of remediation approaches, but we are happy to report there is progress across many sites.

Tweed Landcare, Brunswick Valley Landcare, Richmond Landcare and the Border Ranges Richmond Valley Landcare Network and the landholders involved would like to thank the various funders that have assisted in this recovery including North Coast Local Land Services, World Wildlife Fund Australia and the Northern Rivers Community Foundation.
Local Landcare Group News
Over the last year Rappville & Surrounds Landcare Group has been managing a Riparian Restoration Grant received in 2022 with funding for NSW Government through Local Land Services. Landcare volunteers have worked closely with bush regeneration contractors from Kingfisher Environmental Consultancy and Goanna Bush Regeneration Services undertaking weed management on five properties.
In August they planted several hundred of native trees provided from the Friends of the Koala Nursery along Four Mile Creek Kippenduff and Myrtle Creek Rappville and supported restoration of an erosion gully feeding Shannon Brook Creek.

In an effort to support the recovery of wildlife after the 2019-20 bushfires, nest boxes and carved hollows were installed across 21 properties throughout the Rappville district to help displaced fauna. The group have been active in checking and recording occupation of these artificial homes and contributing this data to a wider monitoring program.
This group of dedicated volunteers meet for regular working bees (usually fortnightly) at the Woodburn Reserve along the banks of the Richmond River, managing weeds, supporting natural regeneration and undertaking some supplementary planting of site appropriate native species. The group have been busy since the 2022 flood event addressing an influx of weeds including Cockspur Coral Tree, Morning Glory and Asparagus Fern. The group recently received a bit of extra support from a contractor to assist with Coral Tree control through the North Coast Weeds Action Program. July this year marked 3 years of this Landcare groups care and custodianship of this reserve.

Korinderie Ridge Community have done it again with an absolutely fantastic REGEN WEEK. This year was the 20th anniversary for this weeklong program bringing people together from far and wide for a bush regeneration Blitz. Many connections were created, woodfired pizza and home cooked meals savored, feet kicked up in dancing; botany botanised, and.... (drum roll) 60ha of Lantana treated across this beautiful part of Bandjalang country - of open woodlands, wet sclerophyll forests and hoop pine riparian gullies. Averaging 23 volunteers per day, with a peak of 45 people in one day, walking and weeding across the property. Many of these people have been returning year after year to support and bear witness to the natural regeneration of this 197-ha property 20 mins south of Woodburn.
The Korinderie Ridge community want to send out a big THANK YOU to ALL THE VOLUNTEERS for making the 20th annual REGEN WEEK such a huge success.
Find and follow them on Facebook to get all the highlights and for notice of next year's event.

Supporting on ground action to improve fish habitat through:
- removal or modification of barriers to fish passage
- rehabilitation of riparian lands (river banks, wetlands, mangrove forests, saltmarsh)
- re-snagging waterways with timber structure
- removal of exotic vegetation from waterways and replace with native species
- bank stabilisation works.
Grants of up to $40,000. Applications close 29th September. View the guidelines and apply at
Habitat Action Grants (nsw.gov.au)

The NRCF Annual Community Grants Program is now accepting applications.
Open until 29th September.
View the guidelines and apply at nrcf.org.au/grants/community-grants-program-2023/
Helping the Northern Rivers to thrive. Best of luck everyone!

Applications for grants under Kyogle Council’s Community Assistance Fund have now opened.
The Community Assistance Fund provides one-off donations of up to $1,000 for organisations, $500 for individuals and $5,000 for projects which can contribute dollar for dollar funding.
Applications will close at 4pm on Friday 6 October.
On-line applications are preferred and can be completed here.
Application forms and further information are also available from the Kyogle Council, 1 Stratheden Street, Kyogle, or by clicking here.

Does your community organisation have a great idea for a community project or program in the Richmond Valley?
Community Financial Assistance is available to support local activities and projects which:
- benefit the local community
- help community groups achieve their goals
- support Council’s Community Strategic Plan
Grants can be for as little as $100 and up to $5000.
Applications close: 5pm Monday 25 September 2023
Before you apply, download and review the Community Financial Assistance Program Policy.
A link to the application is available below:

Need funding for your community organisation?
Enter your group to share in the $3000 monthly funding through Greater Bank.
Easy application go to: www.greater.com.au/greaternorthernrivers
My Climate View is a digital tool to assist you to explore climate information relevant to your location and commodity, wherever you are across Australia.
Climate information includes:
- past data from 1963 to now
- seasonal forecasts for the upcoming 1–3 months
- climate projections for 2030, 2050 and 2070.
If you would like to share your events, project news and opportunities with the broader Landcare community in the next issue of the BRRVLN e-news please send your article to landcare.support@brrvln.org.au
Our office location and hours
40 Summerland Way
Tuesday and Thursday 10-2pm