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Boxing Clever - Nest Box Monitoring Workshop

Did you know that 15% of Australian vertebrate fauna rely on hollows for breeding and shelter? The loss of hollows through indiscriminate logging, fires, and other natural disasters has led to a massive loss of these vital habitat features.

After the devastating fires of 2019/20, hundreds of artificial hollows were installed to help mitigate for these losses. This has provided an ideal opportunity to track and record the use of these artificial hollows, so that we can learn what’s most effective and how to target resources in the future.

How can you get involved? By learning to be a Citizen Scientist! By taking part in the Boxing Clever project, you will contribute to the knowledge of some of our most vulnerable species and also get to see some of our amazing wildlife up-close!

This project received grant funding from WIRES through their annual National Grants Program. For more information go to